Once a man hits a certain age, there is a higher chance of experiencing problems with their prostate gland. Prostate enlargement starts insidiously once a man reaches 40.

Research has proven that imbalances at the cellular level accumulate over time leading to cellular damage, loss of function and gradually, prostate enlargement starts causing symptoms. This process can take many years until men start being affected and it is a main health issue affecting men’s lives for decades.

In practical terms, a man living well in his 80’s will be affected by prostate symptoms for decades, in fact for almost half of his life.

This is why it is crucial to benefit from the extensive research available to protect men from avoidable symptoms for as long as possible. The medical term for an enlarged prostate is BPH or Benign Prostate Hyperplasia.

The common symptoms of an enlarged prostate are affecting the daily routine, intimacy, as well as the night sleep:

  • frequent urination,
  • urgent uncontrolled need to empty the bladder,
  • incomplete voiding,
  • sleep interruptions due to multiple bathroom visits.

An enlarged prostate also increases the risk of certain prostate-related health conditions such as:

  • urinary tract infections
  • urinary retention
  • kidney damage
  • prostate infection (prostatitis)
  • impotence
  • prostate cancer

While we cannot do anything about aging, we can take the necessary steps in order to maintain a healthy prostate function. Prevention remains the best approach and in order to accomplish that, men need to start developing a healthier lifestyle.

Basic steps to protect your prostate health:

  1. Annual medical checks, including PSA (prostate specific antigen) blood test and being aware of their symptoms and any changes, especially if there were cases of prostate cancer among relatives.
  2. Stopping smoking (if you still do this)
  3. Lowering your diary consumption, as well as red meat and fat
  4. Increasing the consumption of vegetables and fruits – best to aim for 10 servings per day, which will also provide a healthy amount of fiber
  5. Eat fish few times a week. Fish, especially salmon, mackerel, herring and sardines, contain high amounts of Omega 3 fatty acids proven to fight inflammation.
  6. Take supplements that provide antioxidant support. Men can hugely benefit from evidence based supplements like Vitamin C, Selenium, Lycopene, Berberine in combination with botanical extracts like Nettle extract and Pumpkin seed extract that work together protecting the prostate cells from oxidative damage that can increase prostate inflammation.