URALIX granted a US patent


It is the second patent granted for this pharmaceutical composition, and it follows the granting of a UK Intellectual Property Office.

As many as 60% of women experience lower urinary tract infections during their lives, in particular post menopause. Due to increasing antibiotic resistance, the majority of UTI causing bacteria are resistant to one antibiotic, with almost 80% resistant to at least two antibiotics, resulting in approximately 20-30% of sepsis cases originating in the urinary tract. This affects in particular women from disadvantaged socio-economic groups with limited access to healthcare.

According to World Health Organisation: ‘Antibiotic resistance is one of the biggest threats to global health, can affect anyone, of any age, in any country’ https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/antibiotic-resistance.

Professor Dame Sally Davis, UK Special Envoy for Antimicrobial Resistance emphasizes the overuse of antibiotics is ‘leading us down a path of disaster’ There is an urgent unmet need to address antibiotic resistant UTIs.

Available under the registered trademark URALIX, it is manufactured in the UK and distributed under exclusive UK license by Blue Green Health Ltd. URALIX offers an alternative approach to antibiotic resistant, recurring urinary tract infection, as well as cases of allergy to antibiotics for both women and men. It can be taken long term to protect the urinary tract in people at menopause or at risk of chronic, recurring urinary symptoms.

“UTI is very prevalent among women of all ages. As a herbal complex, URALIX represents a new solution doesn’t cause yeast infections or antibiotic resistance.”

— Prof. Eyal Schiff MD, OB-GYN